News Media

I am convinced about the importance of spreading our scientific findings to the society.
I always try to write popular papers to explain (using an easy language) the main conclusions published in the scientific papers, but I also try to disseminate these findings in the media.
Here you will find all links I have got.
Please, feel free to send me any other new links that you can find. I will be pleased to divulge them in this web site.

4 news found

La tarabilla canaria es una joya de la fauna majorera

La tarabilla canaria es una joya de la fauna majorera

La fidelidad al territorio es un comportamiento animal que implica que los individuos de cualquier especie una vez se asientan en un territorio permanecen allí un determinado tiempo ...

Nov 30th, 2014


Video interview talking about the Canary Islands stonechat (in Spanish)

Video interview talking about the Canary Islands stonechat (in Spanish)

Nov 13th, 2014


Last 28th I gave a talk in Mieres explaining the main results of our recent paper accepted in Evolution

Last 28th I gave a talk in Mieres explaining the main results of our recent paper accepted in Evolution

Conferencia de Juan Carlos Illera, investigador de la Unidad Mixta de Investigación en Biodiversidad (UMIB), sobre la curruca tomillera ...

Apr 2nd, 2014


Los machos de curruca tomillera son cantantes innovadores

Los machos de curruca tomillera son cantantes innovadores

Las variables en el canto de los machos de curruca tomillera podrían jugar un papel crucial en el apareamiento, la defensa del territorio y ...

Jan 13th, 2014